Following in the footsteps of my 'I don't like using boxed pancake mix' rant I bring you 'I also can't stand commercial hot chocolate mixes'. It's one of those products that has an ingredient label containing too many words I can't pronounce. And if I can't pronounce it, I really don't want to ingest it. So around this time of year I make my own hot chocolate mix. It's really easy - all you need is skim milk powder, sugar, cocoa and a pinch of salt:
Hot Chocolate Mix
3 cups powdered milk
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup cocoa
pinch salt
Combine ingredients and store in air tight container.
To make your hot chocolate add 4 tbsp of mix to 3/4 cup of hot water and you're good to go. My guys top their hot chocolate with mini marshmallows, enough that they form a kind of sticky crust. Luckily it is just a sometimes treat...
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