Our Chinese New Year menu consisted of:
Chinese Steamed Rice (from hungry for comfort)
Chinese Orange Beef (from The Best Simple Recipes)
Stir Fried Baby Bok Choy (no recipe required)
Mini Vegetable Egg Rolls (President's Choice. I know my limits.)
Peanut Butter Cookies (James Beard)
On reflection, I might tweak my menu next year. For starters, I'm kicking myself for not making Hot and Sour Soup. I wanted to, but I had a bowl of Hot and Sour soup at a restaurant once that was so good that I'm afraid I can't top it. So I don't dare try.
The steamed rice was excellent and dead simple: rinse rice, put rice in pot, add water to pot, bring pot to boil, take pot off heat, rice steams in about 20 minutes. Seriously, everything I make from hungry for comfort comes up roses. If you don't own this cookbook, you totally should.
The Chinese Orange beef got raves from both my husband and D. but P. was not impressed with what he called my 'saucy beef'. Broke my heart when he demanded his beef be de-sauced, (yup, we wiped it off) then proceeded to drench it in Heinz Tomato Ketchup. Which was pronounced delicious. The 'saucy beef' sauce was a combination of orange juice/rind, rice vinegar, soy sauce, brown sugar, Asian chili-garlic sauce and ginger. We cooked up a huge flank steak that seemed to promise lots of leftovers but once the beef was cooked and the sauce added, there was no turning back. We ate nearly the whole thing.
I think Baby Bok Choy is a lot like celery. It's likely on your plate for colour and because it's a vegetable and every meal should have a vegetable. I know BBC can be better; I didn't exactly knock myself out cooking it - chopped it, sauteed it with some sesame oil, done. Here is how it all looked on the plate:
If I was trying to be authentic I should have made Almond Cookies as our dessert, but my quick poll of the family indicated that Peanut Butter cookies were preferred. When you can't send nut products to school they tend to fall to the bottom of your baking list. I never bake Peanut Butter cookies and all three of my boys adore them. So I went and made the cutest Peanut Butter cookies you ever saw:
Peanut Butter Cookies
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup peanut butter
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1 egg
2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
Cream butter and peanut butter, cream in the brown sugar, then beat in egg and add vanilla, if using. Sift flour and salt and stir in to butter mixture. Makes a very stiff dough. Form into long rolls about 1 inch in diameter. Cut into lengths of 1 inch or less, form into balls and place an inch apart on greased cookie sheets. Flatten each cookie with a fork, first in one direction then the other to make a crisscross design. Bake in preheated 375 degree oven for 9-12 minutes.
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